• Long lazy weekend!

    What is it about a long weekend that makes me so lazy?!?! Up at the regular time but am I doing anything productive? Nooooooooo hubby and I are watching maybe the worst Steven Seagal movie I’ve ever seen! But it’s like a train wreck and I can’t stop watching! BUT on a positive note I’m not watching and eating. THAT is what we call progress! (okay now I’m hungry. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that out loud) After the movie I’m planning on putting on my head phones and boogie thru the housework. That is the extent of the sweating I plan to do today. (and no there is not…

  • digital microscope

    MixMart 2.0MP USB Digital Microscope with Advanced CMOS Sensor!

    With 36 more days of summer vacation I found a very FUN AND educational device for the entire FAMILY!! This is a USB digital microscope from MixMart.  This is a  3 in 1 multi-functional microscope. Not only can we use this as a conventional microscope that magnifies up to 200 times, I can also use it as an endoscope! Do you know how cool (or gross depending on your perspective) it is to see up a kids (okay, okay fine……. or adult. I COULDN’T HELP myself!! I’ve always wondered what the doctor sees when they look there. Now I know!!) nose or in their or your ears? So cool!! The third way…