Amazon Deals January 23, 2022
These are the amazon deals for January 23, 2022 Clicking the picture or the link will take you to the product. The link will open in a new window so you can come back and add additional items or just to copy the code. Always check for additional coupons on the listing. This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a small commission from these links at no additional cost to you. Happy Shopping! Egg Container for Refrigerator 40% off with Code:40WMQ5QD Original Price: $22.95 Final Price: $13.77 End Date: 2022-01-31 23:59PST 100 Elf All Flash Card Game Cards 100 Non-Repeating GX with…
Ideas For Keeping Yourself Busy & Productive
You might find that working takes up a lot of your time and energy normally. However, you may also have some free time in your schedule during the evenings or on the weekends. If you’re a go-getter and a motivated person then you likely enjoy keeping active and engaged in life. If so, then learn some ideas for keeping yourself busy and productive so you can live your days to the fullest and enjoy each moment as it unfolds. This way you can avoid boredom and get more done in and around the house. Get Organized One idea for keeping yourself busy and productive is to get organized. You may…
How To Start A Business Today Without It Taking Over Your Life
To start a business is notoriously challenging. Many people have tried it, but only a few made it through. Success isn’t something that just happens. It takes years of work, dedication and, quite frankly, pain. Owning a business can be very rewarding. For example, Patricia from Certified Roofing Services, a roofing company in Portland, mentioned how owning a roofing company has allowed her to have the freedom she’s always wanted. It wasn’t easy, but well worth the effort. That’s why many entrepreneurs are looking for ways to start businesses without them taking over their lives. Yes, they want their independence, but they don’t want to have to start working crazy eighty-hour…
Soft and Cuddly #OCM Everything College AND Home!
I know I’ve mentioned before how much I love my ART ROOM!!! (Isn’t that a fancy name?) My friend Penny, who comes and crafts with me, called it that and it kinda stuck. Sounds FONCy (can ya hear that FOON Ccccc pronunciation??) FOCUS Connie. FOCUS!! (Trust me inside my brain is REALLY scary! So, this is kinda normal off the rails kinda …..LOOK over there ….SHINEY!) Art Room sounds better than craft room or my office. Right? Yeah. I think so too. Focusing, my ART ROOM!! I LOVE my amazing, ginormous space in the house. I have absolutely NO room to whine. BUT I will……….. again it’s in THE BLOG…
How a Whole Home Fragrance System Works
Do you love having your home smell like fresh baked cookies or fresh cut flowers? Whatever your favorite scent is, filling your home with a wonderful smell is easy with a whole home fragrance system. You no longer need to worry about tipping over burning candles or trying to keep oil diffusers full of water in every room. Read on to learn more about a simple solution to making your entire house smell great. What Is a Whole Home Fragrance System? This device is a diffuser that is designed to attach to your home’s heating and cooling system. It is a conveniently sized box that mounts easily to the wall…
Cat Breeds to Adopt If You Have Cat Allergies
Living with cat allergies of all kinds is a burdensome thought especially when the cause could be your beloved companion or would you grant the request of your family to get a family cat despite your cat allergies. But there is no need to compromise between your plans of getting a pet cat and avoiding cat allergies as there are several cat breeds that are hypoallergenic. What Causes Cat Allergies Contrary to popular belief it is not the fur of cats that causes cat allergies, it is a protein that is contained in a cat’s saliva, dried skin, and urine that causes humans to have allergic reactions. The reason why…
Give Your Living Room A New Lease Of Life This Summer
Right now, we’re in the final few weeks of Spring, it’s raining less often, the Sun is shining brighter, and the temperature is starting to slowly rise up. In only a few short weeks it will be Summer, which means only one thing: it’s party season! Whether you prefer backyard BBQ cookouts, pool parties or even just Summery dinner parties, the Summertime is ideal for having guests over and enjoying time with all your friends and family! While our Summer’s last year were disrupted, this year we look free and clear to enjoy ourselves. So, it’s probably been a while since you last hosted a big event at home, so…
What Are The Different Ceiling Textures and Drywall Options?
When you are going to decorate your home interior, one of the challenging tasks will be to choose proper ceiling textures or drywall texture. You will find yourself before many different options while trying to choose a texture that will suit your interior design perfectly. Choosing the perfect texture for your ceiling can be really tough, but with our help, you can do it smoothly. EZ Service in Frederick Maryland is the number one contractor for dry wall and interior painting can help you achieve the perfect look. Here we will talk about different ceiling textures and drywall options so that it will help you to set a preference. What…